This Help Center article will guide you through the use of the Status page. The Status page is the command and control center for each Schedule attached to your Project.
In order to access the Status page, your Project must have a Previously created or sent Schedule. From your home Projects page, click on the Schedules tab.
Then, locate a Schedule on this page and click the Status Page button. This will take you to the Status Page.
The Status Page consists of a number of Options buttons at the top, an interactive Schedule with Live Chat with Casting in the center, and a sidebar to the right.
At the top left, you will see the name of the Project and the Schedule the Status Page is displaying for. Below these are the Options buttons.
- The Return to Overview button will return you to the Project Home Page.
- The Return to Schedules button will return you to the Schedules Page to access or edit other schedules or to create new ones.
- The Send Message button will allow you to send bulk messages to scheduled Talent from the Status Page.
- The Edit Schedule button will take you to the Edit Schedule page.
- The Print button will allow you to print your schedule with a variety of options and formats.
- The Send Times or Resend Times button will take you to the Send Times page so you may send or resend your schedule.
- The Pending Notifications Indicator will let you know when you have a pending chat from an agent. You can clear these notifications by clicking the red X.
- The Search bar to the right of the Options buttons allows you a way to search for specific Talent on a Schedule.
- Above the Search bar are the New TImes and Changed TImes indicators. If there have been any changes to your schedule since you last sent it out, it will show here as a reminder.
- The Hide Sidebar button will hide the tools and options in the right sidebar and expand the view of the Status Page schedule.
Now for information about the Sidebar.
- The Quick Jump will take you to the Status Page for any Project and any Schedule associated with that Project.
- The Legend provides you with the Status of all Talent associated with the Schedule.
- The Show Headshots toggle will show or hide Headshots on the Status Page display.
- The Show Hidden TImes toggle will show Talent times that have been hidden.
- The Show Replaced Times will show Talent whose times have been replaced.
- Show Details will provide you with any notes or Role details.
The Schedule on the Status Page is broken into multiple columns.
- The Time column displays the time has been scheduled for.
- The Status column displays the Talent’s current Status. You can click on the dropdown menu for any Talent’s status to change it or make any special requests, like an Avail.
- The Photo column displays the Talent’s current headshot.
- The Talent’s name and representing agency is displayed in the Actor/Agency column.
- The Role the Talent is auditioning for is listed in the Role column.
- The Options column allows you with options to select Replacement Talent, view Talent Size Sheets, a way to Reschedule a Talent, and a way to move a Talent to a different available timeslot.
- The Chat column will keep a record of any chat messages between the Talent’s submitting agency.
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